
Business Drivers

PrisonPC securely delivers inmate education and training, numeracy and literacy programmes, instructional streaming media content, and tuition.

The financial and societal costs of prisoner recidivism are high and consequently reducing those costs are of equally high importance. Areas where recidivism is positively impacted are education and managed family/societal reintegration.

PrisonPC was designed specifically as the optimal platform for securely delivering inmate education and training, offering the delivery of basic numeracy and literacy programmes, instructional content via streaming media, and tuition with hands-on business desktop applications.

PrisonPC helps inmates improve their chances in the world beyond the correctional facility.


To reduce recidivism ex-offenders must have marketable job skills as they re-enter society. Providing offenders with good work-place skills makes them more attractive to employers and thereby increases their chances of obtaining and maintaining a job upon release. While basic numeracy and literacy skills lay the foundation for academic and vocational training, computer skills are necessary in almost all non-labouring jobs, thereby increasing their ability to obtain and maintain a place in the work-force post-release.

Boredom Reduction

Many prisons today provide multimedia facilities to inmates in the form of televisions, radios, stereos, gaming consoles, and similar devices. PrisonPC consolidates all these devices into a single unit, reducing the opportunity for inmates to hide contraband, and passes ultimate control to staff to apply automatic curfews to individual features or to revoke privileges.


Most prisons today have programmes aimed at rehabilitating inmates by offering them a valuable education in preparation for their reintegration into society. Access to suitable educational material is becoming easier and more economical through computer-based resources, either hosted and delivered locally within the prison, or as online distance learning courses offered by universities around the world.

Computer-Based Training

Whether teaching basic numeracy and literacy programmes, work-place re-entry, or advanced university degrees, computer-based training is now the norm for educators. PrisonPC was designed to deliver an optimal platform for inmate education and training offering the delivery of instructional content via streaming media, self-paced learning, and tuition through hands-on experience with business desktop applications.

PrisonPC helps inmates improve their chances in the world beyond the correctional facility.

Computer Skills

To reduce recidivism offenders must have marketable job skills before re-entering society. Providing offenders with good workplace skills will make them more attractive to employers and thereby increase their chances of obtaining and maintaining a job upon release. While basic numeracy and literacy skills lay the foundation for academic and vocational training, computer skills are necessary in almost all non-labouring jobs.

PrisonPC succeeds in resolving the security issues relating to inmate computer use whilst providing the functionality required by education providers and correctional facilities.


A secure Prisoner Interactive Learning System can deliver numerous immediate benefits to a correctional facility and to prisoners in addition to the longer-term benefits of recidivism reduction. These benefits include the consolidation of the various entertainment appliances into a single managed and secure device, reduction in boredom through the delivery of broader entertainment options to prisoners, and distance education opportunities.

To ensure these benefits are realised special attention and diligence is necessary in the design and delivery of your secure in-cell interactive technology solution.

“As advanced technologies are integrated into other areas of correctional facility life (e.g., family communications via e-mail and video conferencing, and access to health and treatment services via telemedicine), a growing number of corrections agencies and facilities and their education partners are exploring ways to securely and cost-effectively increase access to educational technology.”

Educational Technology in Corrections 2015 U.S. Department of Education